03 Feb GESO: It all started from cigarettes
“Don’t do cocaine and paint freights — you will be hiding in the bushes from vans that aren’t coming.”
“Don’t do cocaine and paint freights — you will be hiding in the bushes from vans that aren’t coming.”
Posted at 21:28h, 03 Februaryhahaha was that a voice change or what? this might be the best one ive heard yet. short and straight to the point. best advice i’ve heard yet about graff.
Posted at 22:50h, 03 FebruaryWow, I think this is my new favorite after Jaber and Yeti.
Just straight to the point and no bullshit.
A lot of good advice at the end. And I was laughing when he was talking about how much he dislikes the hobo freight scene, I’m a fan of it, but I can see why he doesn’t like it.
glitter boy
Posted at 16:06h, 05 FebruaryThis would have been better if the responses were off the cuff.
Posted at 20:37h, 16 Februaryi think this deserves the title of the most negative interview to date…
Posted at 14:31h, 19 FebruaryWow, that interview turned out kind of lame.
Who tries to promote internet porn on a freight graffiti interview, that was pretty annoying actually.
..@ the end you could tell the interviewer didn’t even want to talk to the person anymore, just abruptly ended it.
Posted at 14:57h, 19 FebruaryThe abrupt ending was the result of my inability to wrap up an interview and is NOT meant to imply any lack of interest in continuing the conversation with the pornstar reading GESO’s answers. —DEJA
Posted at 21:18h, 19 Februaryha ha ha ha ha ha this is fucking awesome
Posted at 23:24h, 28 Februarythis one should be redone with geso actually answering,that would be dope
Posted at 16:09h, 01 Marchhis voice was obviously censored for a reason…
The Lone Barone
Posted at 23:07h, 01 MarchGeso what happened to you man? you used to be cool.
Not quite sure why you dont have any ettiquette anymmore. Your old stuff was dope but your new stuff doesnt even have letters anymore. you say you hate production fags but thats what your stuff looks like. nobody reads that bogus when its layed up, let alone rolling.
your new stuff is good for backgrounds of other writers and thats about it. But hey, maybe you can start a tshirt company and get rich off of it! Afterall, its been done before, like you said.
Posted at 10:12h, 02 MarchLone Barone, geso has been around a long time, keeps busy, and continues to change it up. If you like the old solid letter style, that’s fine, but, of all the trash on the lines, to attack geso seems silly. His style is like no one else’s out there and he continues to innovate. I can spot one of his trains from a distance. Much respect to geso.
Posted at 11:00h, 02 March300$ jeans taking a week to do a piece and tagging on a kid that walks by, reference to Revok???
Posted at 19:57h, 02 Marchyo deja will this get put up on itunes? aint got speakers to listen live.
and seriously, i can understand some purist being like where did the letters go but engines got a point. theres tons of trash rolling out there, hate on that. just because it aint your cup of tea doesnt mean it isnt legit
Posted at 20:19h, 03 MarchDon’t know how I missed that. It should be up now.
Nacho Ordinary
Posted at 14:33h, 04 MarchIs this really only 9 minutes long???
Posted at 15:53h, 04 MarchYeah, I should have called it “a quickie with GESO,” but I thought kids would get the wrong idea.
Posted at 17:13h, 04 Marchlol deja.
Posted at 01:26h, 07 Marchso it was a pornstar talking for him?
dang, gesos got all the sweet hookups
The Savage Land
Posted at 20:11h, 30 MarchIt’d be nice if this website gave proper credit for this photo I took
Posted at 20:46h, 30 MarchSorry…check out his flickr for a lot of great photos…….. http://www.flickr.com/photos/nerdism/… http://www.flickr.com/photos/nerdism/… http://www.flickr.com/photos/nerdism/
Posted at 16:01h, 06 AprilEh…good try. But you asked him questions that we can look at his trains or walls and find out. Not interesting as some of the others.
Posted at 18:21h, 11 AprilWait wtf… it was a pornstar reading his answers? Sounded pretty legit to me… Not like someone reading… Voice changer or what?? I thought this guy was really a girl and actually enjoyed it like that.. loll
Posted at 15:41h, 16 Aprilive listened to this like 5 times …. very graphic and
honest interview … props x 1,000
Posted at 18:03h, 09 Februarythanks for giving me credit for getting all the photos of our shit
and driving us to the yard 99% of the time…you really are a asshole
Posted at 03:35h, 19 FebruaryGeso is a sav…I think people take his approach to be condescending…but how would you feel if your style was constantly being bit and creativity becomes lacking while yours is advancing…props to Geso and his work
Posted at 13:21h, 19 JulyIf you can’t respect other art forms, then you shouldn’t be writing.
Posted at 06:25h, 22 JanuaryThis interview is fucking hillarious hahahahaha
Posted at 06:33h, 19 MarchFuck yeah!!,,Such a relief from all the boring ass hour long ramblings about shit no one give a fuck about anyway, i couldnt listen to an entire one straight through, thanks Geso i needed to hear that.